Library Catalogue

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1. Book
Twelve great questions about Christ / Clarence, Macartney by
Publication details: New York : Fleming H Revell 1923
Availability: Items available for loan: Archbishop Kiwanuka Memorial Library (1)Call number: 232 MAC.
2. Book
Faces of Jesus in Africa / Edited by Robert J. Schreiter by
Publication details: London : SCM Press 1992
Availability: Items available for loan: Archbishop Kiwanuka Memorial Library (1)Call number: 230.096 FAC.
3. Book
The parables of Jesus: a report of the Jesus seminar / Robert W. Funk, Bernard Brandon Scott and James R. Butts by
Publication details: Sonom : Polebridge Press 1988
Availability: Items available for loan: Archbishop Kiwanuka Memorial Library (1)Call number: 226.80663 FUN.
4. Book
The approach to Jesus: an orientation and survey / Theodore Huggenvik by
Publication details: Minneapolis : Augsburg publishing house 1935
Availability: Items available for loan: Archbishop Kiwanuka Memorial Library (1)Call number: 232 HUG.
5. Book
The Christ We Know / Ars P. Qualben by
Publication details: New York: Thomas Nelson 1943
Availability: Items available for loan: Archbishop Kiwanuka Memorial Library (1)Call number: 232 QUA.
6. Book
Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary of the Qur'an : A Christian's reflection of the Qur'an / Frans Baldacchino by
Publication details: Nairobi : Paulines Publications Africa 2000
Availability: Items available for loan: Archbishop Kiwanuka Memorial Library (1)Call number: 232 BAL.
7. Book
The politics of Jesus: vicit agnus noster ? / Vicit Agnus Noster by
Publication details: Michigan : W M.B. Eerdmans Pub. 1993
Availability: Items available for loan: Archbishop Kiwanuka Memorial Library (1)Call number: 232 YOD.

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